combox question


Gary Keramidas

how can i list unique values in a combobox from a range? have about 40 rows, 1
column with about 5 unique descriptors i want to list and have the user select

tried advanced filter and it shows the unique values in the range, but i
couldn't populate the combobox with the unique entries.

Gary Keramidas

this worked unless someone has a better idea

Worksheets("emp").Range("g2:g40").AdvancedFilter _
xlFilterCopy, , Range("Q2"), True
glastrow = Worksheets("emp").Range("Q100").End(xlUp).Row
With Me.ComboBox1

..RowSource = "Q2:Q" & glastrow
End With

Gary Keramidas

this isn't really cooperating. i can't set the row source to a hidden sheet. any
way around this?

Gary Keramidas

i think i have it

"'Sheet1'!Q2:Q" & lastrow

doing pretty good responding to my own posts<g>

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