combobox rowsource

  • Thread starter J Holtendehouzer
  • Start date

J Holtendehouzer

I have a combobox and a listbox. I want the user to be able to select a
value from the combobox, which leads to a wizard that adds that value and
its association info to the listbox. Then, I want to remove the item we
just sent to the listbox from the combobox.

Right now, I'm looping through the items in the listbox and adding a clause
to the WHERE statement in the SQL of the combobox (i.e., the WHERE looks
like "WHERE (Not ItemID = 12) AND (Not ItemID=13) AND (Not ItemID=17)..."

Is there a better way to select rows from a table that aren't in another
table (the wizard writes the value to a table that becomes the rowsource of
the listbox)?


david epsom dot com dot au

Select tbl_Combo.* from
tbl_combo left join tbl_list
on tbl_combo.itemID = tbl_list.itemID
where tbl_list.itemID is null


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