ComboBox lock/suppress DropDown



I have a control that is derived from the standard ComboBox. I want to
lock or suppress the DropDown when the arrow button is clicked without
disabling the control.

This is related to another post that I have out there for a custom
OnPaint event. I want to provide custom colors for ComboBox that work
even when the Enabled is set to false (by default it is set to Gray).
I have provided a new implementation for the Enabled property to handle
it myself. When the control is in my disabled state I am supressing
KeyDowns so that it appears as if it is disabled. The only problem is
that you can still drop down the list, and choose an item. If I can
lock this, I'm good to go.

Oh, and I'd rather not have to use SendMessage in WndProc to accomplish
this. I don't want to have a dependency on user32.dll.


Bruce Wood

I have a control that is derived from the standard ComboBox. I want to
lock or suppress the DropDown when the arrow button is clicked without
disabling the control.

This is related to another post that I have out there for a custom
OnPaint event. I want to provide custom colors for ComboBox that work
even when the Enabled is set to false (by default it is set to Gray).
I have provided a new implementation for the Enabled property to handle
it myself. When the control is in my disabled state I am supressing
KeyDowns so that it appears as if it is disabled. The only problem is
that you can still drop down the list, and choose an item. If I can
lock this, I'm good to go.

Oh, and I'd rather not have to use SendMessage in WndProc to accomplish
this. I don't want to have a dependency on user32.dll.

Have you tried asking this question in
microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.windowsforms or
microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.windowsforms.controls ?


Have you tried asking this question in
microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.windowsforms or
microsoft.public.dotnet.framework.windowsforms.controls ?

Yes, I also posted this in

Claes Bergefall

I have a control that is derived from the standard ComboBox. I want to
lock or suppress the DropDown when the arrow button is clicked without
disabling the control.

This is related to another post that I have out there for a custom
OnPaint event. I want to provide custom colors for ComboBox that work
even when the Enabled is set to false (by default it is set to Gray).
I have provided a new implementation for the Enabled property to handle
it myself. When the control is in my disabled state I am supressing
KeyDowns so that it appears as if it is disabled. The only problem is
that you can still drop down the list, and choose an item. If I can
lock this, I'm good to go.

Put another control (override OnPaint and call ControlPaint.DrawComboButton)
ontop of it. You can get the size and position of the combo button by
P/Invoking GetComboBoxInfo (or you can calculate it with a little use of

Oh, and I'd rather not have to use SendMessage in WndProc to accomplish
this. I don't want to have a dependency on user32.dll.

Why not? It's not like user32.dll won't be there.



Claes said:
Put another control (override OnPaint and call ControlPaint.DrawComboButton)
ontop of it.

This is simply a paint routine, not an new control (I didn't know about
ControlPaint, so that's a cool find, thanks). However I did try adding
a real button control (new Button()) and tried to place it on top of
the combobox button. I can't get it to show up, and all the clicks end
up going to the combo box so the list is still dropped down.

-- Ian;

Claes Bergefall

I meant that you should create a new control and override its OnPaint. It
needs to be in order to trap the mouse clicks.

Inherit Control like this (make it an internal class in your ComboBox
internal class ReadOnlyButton : Control
public ReadOnlyButton()
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.AllPaintingInWmPaint |
ControlStyles.DoubleBuffer | ControlStyles.UserPaint, true);
this.SetStyle(ControlStyles.Selectable, false);

protected override void OnPaint(System.Windows.Forms.PaintEventArgs e)
ControlPaint.DrawScrollButton(e.Graphics, this.ClientRectangle,
ScrollButton.Down, ButtonState.Inactive);

In the constructor of your ComboBox class:
m_readOnlyButton = new ReadOnlyButton();
m_readOnlyButton.Visible = false;

When you want your combo to be read only:
m_readOnlyButton.Visible = true;

To position it (you might need to experiment a bit here, or use
Size size;
size.Height = this.Height - 4
size.Width = SystemInformation.CaptionButtonSize.Width - 2
m_readOnlyButton.Size = size
m_readOnlyButton.Location = new Point(this.Width -
SystemInformation.CaptionButtonSize.Width - 2, 0);



Awesome, thanks Claes.

I ended up using an override of WndProc and providing my own custom
draw method on the WM_PAINT message in the derived ComboBox class. The
ComboBox has a really messed up OnPaint event, that doesn't allow for
painting your own custom text box area.


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