ComboBox LimitToList/Dropdown problem


George Akers

I have a ComboBox with LimitToList set to Yes. When the user enters a
new value(not in list) I call a routine to add that value to the list.
Prior to that I put up a MsgBox asking the user if that is what they
want to do. If they select no I return to the ComboBox and perform an
Undo. The problem is that the list is always dropped down when control
returns to the user. Does anyone know how to avoid this? Here is the
NotInList Event:

Private Sub cboContact_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)
On Error GoTo cboContact_NotInListErr

Dim intAddRow As Integer

AddNewRows "tblContacts", intAddRow
If intAddRow = vbNo Then
End If

Response = 0


Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description, , "Runtime Error # " & Err.Number & " in "
& Err.Source
Resume cboContact_NotInListExit
End Sub

TIA, George


You can find the NotInList event going through the code page.

Open the code page, on the combobox on top at left, select your combobox,
next select the NotInList event on the right combobox

Mauricio Silva

George Akers

Thanks Mauricio. If you look at the bottom of my original post you can
find the code that is in the NotInList event for the ComboBox in question.

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