combobox default itemdata value



I have an access 2000 form with comboboxes, that are bound to a
query that populates them with "Project names" from the table. The problem I
have is that we want to make the default item that shows in the combobox as
soon as the form is loaded as "-select project-"( to let the user know what
the function is"). Since it is bound to a query I have added that as a dummy
record in the table and pull it up by itemdata(index).. but I was wondering
if there was another efficient way to do it, since I don't like adding dummy
records to the table. I also tried to add it as cbo.itemdata(0) as in vb but
vba does not give me that option.



Since "-select project-" is in the list (via your dummmy entry), you
could just use the DefaultValue for the combo. In the future, your .index
may change, and all you really need "-select project-" displayed for is
"New" records.

But... I really have to question using the bound control "displayed"
default value as a descriptive "pseudo-label". That's what labels are for.
Your combo should have it's own label like "Select Project:", and none of
these further machinations would be necessary. Displaying descriptive
text "in" bound controls can be very confusing to users, and adding a dummy
entry to a legitimate list of values, to work around the inherent problems
this creates, should tip you off that this method is not really the right
way to go.

Al Camp

Brendan Reynolds

You can use a union query instead of adding the 'dummy' value to the table

SELECT "-select project-" FROM tblProjects
UNION SELECT ProjectName FROM tblProjects

I know this looks a little odd, as "-select project-" does not exist in the
table, but each SELECT in a Jet union query must have a FROM, and this

Brendan Reynolds (MVP)

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