Combobox binding error - Help needed.



I have a class that I want to use generically to add items to a combobox so
that I have a display item and an ID item that isn't displayed but that I
can use to display the relevant database record for when the user selects an
entry in the combo.

This is my generic class:

public class ComboItems

private string ListText = ""; //What appears in the text part of
the combo
private int ReturnVal = 0; //What is returned by the combo
usually an ID value

public ComboItems(string strListText, int intReturnValue)
ListText = strListText;
ReturnVal = intReturnValue;

public string DisplayedText()
return ListText;

public int ReturnedID()
return ReturnVal;

public override string ToString()
return ListText + " - " + ReturnVal;


In my code that adds items to the combo I have the following:

ArrayList Addr=new ArrayList();
string str ="";
int id = 0;

while (RsK.Read())
str = string.Format("{0,-30} Band
{1:00}",RsK["KPI_Name"], RsK["Band"]);
id = Convert.ToInt32(RsK["KPI_ID"]);
Addr.Add(new Common.ComboItems(str, id));

ctrl.DataSource = Addr;
ctrl.DisplayMember = "DisplayedText";
ctrl.ValueMember = "ReturnedID";

I have stripped out the database stuff as it checks out OK, "KPI_Name" is an
NVARCHAR of length 50 and "Band" is a TINYINT.

When I place the ctrl.DataSource = Addr; line before the Display and
Valuemember lines I get:

"Cannot bind to the new display member.\r\nParameter name: newDisplayMember"

After rewading some posts and Googling I found that perhaps I should set the
datasource to the combo after specifying the value and display members.
When I do that the error doesn't occur but when I try and obtain the ID
field "KPI_ID" which I want to be in the ValueMember field I get:

System.InvalidCastException was unhandled
Message="Specified cast is not valid."

In the SelectedIndexChanged Code the key part is:

int SelectedValue = (int)lstKPI.SelectedValue;
if (PopulateKPIDetails(SelectedValue) == true)
{ etc ...

If I look at the contents of the "lstKPI.SelectedValue" it seems to have it
as follows:

{NTU % To Sales Band 02 - 2}
ListText: "NTU % To Sales Band 02"
ReturnVal: 2
I just want the ReturnVal of 2, it is giving me what appears to be both
parts of teh Arraylist glued together. Can someone explain why I am getting
this, or why if I do it the way I want to do it I get a binding error??

Any help greatfully accepted as I am sick of banging my head off the wall

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