Combo values/NotInList - coding problem



I am trying to allow users to enter item names using a combo box - no problem.
If they type a name and it doesn't exist on the combo box list, I want to
check whether what they have typed in has the word 'machine' in it.
If it does, I want to default the combo box selection to a specific record
that does exist in the list (the Main Machine record) and output what they
typed in to another field.
If their entry is missing from the list and doesn't contain the word
'machine' I just want to put out a message.
The final part I have working using the NotInList property but can't get the
first bit to work.
The combo box I am using hides the first 4 fields that it selects, including
the key field, and what is type in is a description. It then populates a
number of fields on the form based on the record selected.
Can anyone advise? Perhaps I need to completely rethink the way I am going
about this.



Private Sub cboMachine_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

If (InStr(1, LCase$(NewData), "machine", vbDatabaseCompare)) Then
Me!cboMachine = DLookup("ID", "qryMyTable", "EquipDesc = 'Main
Me!txtNewEquipment = NewData
MsgBox "Sorry. This item " & vbCrLf & _
"isn't on the list.", _
vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "No Matching Record"
End If

Response = acDataErrContinue

Exit Sub


MsgBox "Error in cboMachine_NotInList( ) in" & vbCrLf & _
Me.Name & " form." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Error #" & _
Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description

End Sub

.. . . where cboMachine is the name of the combo box, ID is the combo box's
bound column, qryMyTable is the name in the combo box's Row Source Property,
EquipDesc is the name of the field that shows the description that the user
types in (and is also a field in qryMyTable), and txtNewEquipment is the name
of the text box where the user's typed in value will be assigned.


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Thanks this has helped greatly.

'69 Camaro said:

Private Sub cboMachine_NotInList(NewData As String, Response As Integer)

On Error GoTo ErrHandler

If (InStr(1, LCase$(NewData), "machine", vbDatabaseCompare)) Then
Me!cboMachine = DLookup("ID", "qryMyTable", "EquipDesc = 'Main
Me!txtNewEquipment = NewData
MsgBox "Sorry. This item " & vbCrLf & _
"isn't on the list.", _
vbInformation + vbOKOnly, "No Matching Record"
End If

Response = acDataErrContinue

Exit Sub


MsgBox "Error in cboMachine_NotInList( ) in" & vbCrLf & _
Me.Name & " form." & vbCrLf & vbCrLf & "Error #" & _
Err.Number & vbCrLf & Err.Description

End Sub

. . . where cboMachine is the name of the combo box, ID is the combo box's
bound column, qryMyTable is the name in the combo box's Row Source Property,
EquipDesc is the name of the field that shows the description that the user
types in (and is also a field in qryMyTable), and txtNewEquipment is the name
of the text box where the user's typed in value will be assigned.


See for all your database needs.
See for Microsoft Access tips.

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be forwarded to me.)
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The solution you provided worked great but I have another question relating
to this.

If something is typed into the combo box that doesn't appear on the list I
want to be able to search for the record that matches some of the words as
there are apparently lots of potential cases where notInList will come into
EG. If the Item on the table is called ItemA and someone types in Blue ItemA
I want to pick up the details for ItemA from the table.
Can this be done or does it have to be coded as below for each keyword like

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