Combo Boxes



In my somewhat modified Classroom Management Database template, there are two
forms that will be used most often, Classes and Students. The sources for
these are the tables with the same names. At the top of each form is a text
box that lets you know what class or student you are dealing with.

I tried to replace this field with a combo box to make it easier to change
classes (or students), but it wouldn't allow me to select anything.

The only way that I have found to change these records is to spin the little
wheel on my mouse, which seems a bit odd to me.

Does this make sense to anyone? What am I doing wrong?

Ken Snell \(MVP\)

What you see usually means one of these things:

(1) The combo box is bound to a field that cannot be updated (e.g., an
autonumber field). Make sure that the Control Source for the combo box is

(2) The form's AllowEdits property is set to No. Change it to Yes.

(3) The combo box's Locked property is set to Yes. Change it to No.

(4) The combo box's Enabled property is set to No. Change it to Yes.

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