Combo Boxes



I have a combo box to lookup a table. The table has three columns including
the key. This box is used more than once to select values on the same form.
For example the types of taxes and corresponding rates applicable for a
transaction. How can I store all columns pertaining to a selection, rather
than just the key-field value?


I'm not sure how you are using the bound column to select values, but
comboboxes have a Columns collection that gives you access to values in any
column. This collection is zero-based, so the first column is 0, the second
1, etc.

For example, to get the value from the third column, you'd use:



Ken, your answer was exactly what I needed.

In response to your querry, I realize this would be redundant storage, but
given the nature of the application, it appears to be the the best solution!

Thanks a lot.

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