Combo boxes



Hello. I have a form based on a query that includes two
fields: Insured and Policy #. I want a user to be able to
get the desired record by selecting either the Policy # or
the Insured via combo boxes that look up the data from the
query. But either combo box has to update with
corresponding data, so user can see what policy # goes
with what Insured, etc. Anyone know how to accomplish
this? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!


I've done this before. Just create 2 combo boxes with the source set to the
same field. Set both to get the data from the same query, for each combo
box set the widths of the other fields except the one you want to show to 0.
Leave the bound column the same for both. Then when you change one box, the
other box will also change since they are both linked to the same field.


John Vinson

Hello. I have a form based on a query that includes two
fields: Insured and Policy #. I want a user to be able to
get the desired record by selecting either the Policy # or
the Insured via combo boxes that look up the data from the
query. But either combo box has to update with
corresponding data, so user can see what policy # goes
with what Insured, etc. Anyone know how to accomplish
this? Any help is appreciated. Thanks!

What's the structure of the table? Can an Insured have more than one
Policy, or can a policy cover more than one Insured? You'll probably
need TWO combo boxes, and they will need to include both fields if so.

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