Combo Box



We have a customer name in a combo box. When we select
it, how can we get the address, phone and etc. to fill
into a text box on a form?

Gerald Stanley

It is a two-stage process

Stage 1 is to change the comboBox RowSource SQL to include
the additional columns that you require. You will also
need to change the ColumnCount to match the new Select

Stage 2 is to code the comboBox's AfterUpdate eventhandler
to populate the text boxes. This is done by referencing
the comboBox's Columns (zero-based) collection.

For example, if the RowSource SQL was SELECT customerName,
customerPhone .... FROM ....., then the code to poulate a
text box with the customerPhone would be txtPhone.Value =

Hope This Helps
Gerald Stanley MCSD

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