combo box values




iv got 3 columns in my combo box but it only seems to store only the
value from the 1st column
in the combo box in my table....!!! how do i get it to store all 2
values from the columns...

fie x

Arvin Meyer [MVP]

If the first value is the key, you probably never need to store any of the
other columns since you've already done so. To display the other columns,
use the AfterUpdate event of the combo, and the Current event of the form:

Me.txt1 = Me.cbo1.Column(1) ' 2nd column
Me.txt2 = Me.cbo1.Column(2) ' 3rd column
Me.txt3 = Me.cbo1.Column(3) ' 4th column
Arvin Meyer, MCP, MVP
Microsoft Access
Free Access downloads


right av done this and its comming out with error...

complie error: method or data not found

what do i do?

Steve Schapel


Same as in the other example, I would guess. Since you did not provide
very much information, then Arvin can only give generic examples of the
type of thing. You will need to replace the 'txt1' and 'cbo1' etc with
the actual names of your actual controls on your form.

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