Combo box to select printing reports for all clients or just one...


Bayou BoB

Hi Everyone.

I'm still working on building the forms that house all of the reports
that we print in a day, week, month, year. To this point I've been
using the easier way out, and opting for several buttons, when a combo
button could do the job just as nicely. As it stands, I have 4
buttons, and likely only need 1, as well as a pair of combo boxes.

I need to be able to choose either a detailed report, or a summary well as choosing for either a single client or all of the
database clients. Here is the code I've been using, and I've just put
it on two different buttons to load 2 different reports, one a
summary, one a detailed report. Buttons three and four are the same as
below without the stWhere statement. I'd lke 2 option boxes...each
with two options. One that has "all clients" and "single
client".....and another that has "detailed" and "summary". What's the
best way to do this and how would I code the Print button's onclick
property? Thanks.


Private Sub Command33_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command33_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stWhere As String

stDocName = "CLI_DetailedAttendance_Rep"
stWhere = "ClientID=" & Me!ClientID & " AND " & stWhere

DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , stWhere

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command33_Click



(Did you check your post on 11/30/03 4:56:49 PM?)

Use the wizard to create an option group. Set the first
option to 'Detail' and the second option to 'Summary'. I
named the option group 'optReport'.

Create a second option group, with the first option 'All'
and the second option to 'Single Client'. I named this
option group 'optNumClient'.

You could also create a third option group for the report
period: first option 'Current Month', second
option 'Current Quarter' and the third option 'Current

You need an unbound combo box to select a client ID.
If you want to get fancy, you can hide and unhide the
Client ID combo box using the after update event of
the 'optNumClient' option group.

You need a button to view the report. Add this code to the
OnClick event:

(WARNING: Watch for line wrap....)
(WARNING: This is air code.......)

Private Sub Command33_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_Command33_Click

Dim stDocName As String
Dim stWhere As String

' This selects Detail or Summary report
Select Case optReport
Case 1
stDocName = "DetailedAttendance_Rep"
Case 2
stDocName = "SummaryAttendance_Rep"
End Select

Select Case optNumClient
Case 1
stWhere = ""
Case 2
If Not IsNull(cboClientID) Then
stWhere = "ClientID=" & Me!cboClientID
MsgBox "Select Client ID"
Exit Sub
End If
End Select

' Add this if you have a Date Option Group
' add the AND if ClientID was selected
If Len(stWhere) > 0 Then
stWhere = stWhere & " AND "
End If

'change the field name in the table
' from Date to dteDate
Select Case optDate
Case 1 'Current Month
stWhere = stWhere & "Month([dteDate]) = " &
stWhere = stWhere & " And Year([dteDate]) = "
& Year(Date)
Case 2 'Current Quarter
stWhere = stWhere & "Year([dteDate ])= " & Year
stWhere = stWhere & " And DatePart('q',
[dteDate])= " & DatePart("q", Date)
Case 3 'Current Year
stWhere = stWhere & Year([dteDate]) = " & Year
End Select

DoCmd.OpenReport stDocName, acPreview, , stWhere

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_Command33_Click
End Sub

This is the code to hide and unhide the Client ID combo box

Private Sub optNumClient_AfterUpdate()
Select Case optNumClient
Case 1
Me.cboClientID.Visible = False
Me.cboClientID = Null
Case 2
Me.cboClientID.Visible = True
End Select
End Sub



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