Combo Box Sort


m stroup

I have a combo box whose source is a table. The list contains room numbers
such as A-1, A-2, A-12. My sort is ascending, but, of course it lists them
A-1,A-2, A-12. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks

John W. Vinson

I have a combo box whose source is a table. The list contains room numbers
such as A-1, A-2, A-12. My sort is ascending, but, of course it lists them
A-1,A-2, A-12. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks

If (and it's a big if!) the room number is always of the format text - hyphen
- number, and you want it sorted by letter and then by number, you'll need to
split them apart in the Query upon which the combo is based:

SELECT RoomNumber, Left(RoomNumber, InStr([RoomNumber], "-") - 1) AS
RoomLetter, Val(Mid([RoomNumber, "-" + 1)) AS RoomNumberValue
FROM tablename
ORDER BY RoomLetter, RoomNumberValue;

Note that a combo based directly on a table might or might not sort in the
order you expect - a table HAS NO ORDER and will be presented in whatever
order Access finds convenient.

m stroup

Thanks for the reply John. there are rooms that are formatted as 301 or 204.
Could I check the first digit. If it is not 1-9, then assing room number,
room value as you suggest. If it is 1-9, assign the whole room number to
room number and 0 to room value?

Teach me to fish! Thanks for the help.
Pax, M

John W. Vinson said:
I have a combo box whose source is a table. The list contains room numbers
such as A-1, A-2, A-12. My sort is ascending, but, of course it lists them
A-1,A-2, A-12. Is there a way to fix this? Thanks

If (and it's a big if!) the room number is always of the format text - hyphen
- number, and you want it sorted by letter and then by number, you'll need to
split them apart in the Query upon which the combo is based:

SELECT RoomNumber, Left(RoomNumber, InStr([RoomNumber], "-") - 1) AS
RoomLetter, Val(Mid([RoomNumber, "-" + 1)) AS RoomNumberValue
FROM tablename
ORDER BY RoomLetter, RoomNumberValue;

Note that a combo based directly on a table might or might not sort in the
order you expect - a table HAS NO ORDER and will be presented in whatever
order Access finds convenient.

John W. Vinson

Thanks for the reply John. there are rooms that are formatted as 301 or 204.
Could I check the first digit. If it is not 1-9, then assing room number,
room value as you suggest. If it is 1-9, assign the whole room number to
room number and 0 to room value?

You can use the IsNumeric function to detect all-number fields:

SELECT RoomNumber, IIF(IsNumeric([RoomNumber], "0", Left(RoomNumber,
InStr([RoomNumber], "-") - 1)) AS RoomLetter,
IIF(IsNumeric([RoomNumber], [RoomNumber], Val(Mid([RoomNumber, "-" + 1))) AS
FROM tablename
ORDER BY RoomLetter, RoomNumberValue;

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