Combo Box & Array???



I have 2 combo boxes on Sheet1.

The first ones input range is
Sheet3!$C$5:$C$8 (letters, numbers, tens, capital letters)

I would like the second combo box to return specific values when the
first box one has a value picked (I have the values below on
Sheet2)(when "letters" is picked in the first box, i want the second
combo box to return only a,b & c)

Capital Letters=A,B,C

Thanks for any help!

Bob Phillips

Create a range called letters with a,bc, numbers with 1,2,3, etc. (call
capital_letters capital_letters), and then use

Private Sub ComboBox1_Click()
ComboBox2.ListFillRange = Range(Replace(ComboBox1.Value, " ",
End Sub


Bob Phillips

(remove nothere from email address if mailing direct)

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