combining two worksheets into one



Hi, Is it possible to combine two work sheets into one?

ex: I have first.xls, second.xls

firsr.xls has columns aa,bb,cc
second.xls has columns aa,bb,cc,dd

Both sheets has different data. I want to see them in a single sheet at
once side by side and should be able to compare.

appreciate your help.


Tom Ogilvy

You say worksheets and then talk about two workbooks. If you copy one set
of columns and paste them next to the other set of columns, does that give
you want you want? Is it two worksheets in the same workbook? If not,
what are the sheet names in each book and do you want the combined
information in a third workbook, an additional sheet in one of the
workbooks -- try to be more specific.

If you need the data adjusted to match rows, what column has the data to be
matched? i.e. what is the unique identifier that you can match on. Will
there always be a complete set on each sheet - if not, what is the
situation? First is complete, second is partial, first and second overlap,
but each may have unique items, etc?


Tom, I need to view both the worksheets at a time. side by side with
split kind of division between the two worksheets. (Its not
comparision). Its a kind of having reference to second work sheets in a
first worksheet.

hope this is more specific.


Tom Ogilvy

Look at window => Compare side by Side in the menu.

If they are worksheets in the same workbook, before doing that, do
Window=>New. then in each window make one of the sheets active. Then do
Window => Compare side by side

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