Combining text from multiple columns into 1



I am trying to find a way of combining text from multiple columns into 1
large column in Microsoft Excel 2000 and have tried the consolidate function
but it does not work. Please can someone help.


To join text from cols A and B (assumed in row1 down) in say, col C, try
something like this in C1: =TRIM(A1)&" "&TRIM(B1)


Sorry Max maybe I didn't explain myself very well

What I want is 1 column with data for column A column B column C etc in 1
column but not merged. I realise I can cut and paste each columns data and
add it to the bottom of the column I want it in but I need a quick formula as
it would take a long time with the amount of data I have.


Forgot to mention earlier that you could just copy C1 down to combine
correspondingly for all the other rows in cols A and B ..

Anyway, if what you want is to put text from col B "below" text from col A
in col C, then you could try this:

Select and format col C to wrap text first
(Format > Cells > Alignment tab > Check "Wrap text" > OK)

Then put in C1: =TRIM(A1)&CHAR(10)&TRIM(B1)
and copy C1 down

If you have in A1: Text1, in B1: Text2,
in C1 will appear:


Adapt to suit ..

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