combining tables



I am attempting to create a Customer Care Metrics (to track there activity) &
i need help with the following:

I would like to know how to take multiple tables with the same feilds &
populate all the records into one table. & everytime each person adds another
record i would liek it to go to the main table.

example -

Table A + Table B= Table AB

John Vinson

I am attempting to create a Customer Care Metrics (to track there activity) &
i need help with the following:

I would like to know how to take multiple tables with the same feilds &
populate all the records into one table. & everytime each person adds another
record i would liek it to go to the main table.

example -

Table A + Table B= Table AB

An Append query will do this...

but WHY ON EARTH would you want to store data redundantly in this

Having multiple tables for the same data is simply bad design, and is
neither prudent nor necessary. Could you explain your rationale here?
How do these tables differ?

John W. Vinson[MVP]



I apologize I ment I would like to have various FORMS write to one table. I
have 15 customer care representitives at my facility & I would liek each of
them to track there daily activity on a form which will populate table that
I can run reports off of. Thank you in advance for your advice

John Vinson


I apologize I ment I would like to have various FORMS write to one table. I
have 15 customer care representitives at my facility & I would liek each of
them to track there daily activity on a form which will populate table that
I can run reports off of. Thank you in advance for your advice

You don't even need multiple forms.

You could (SHOULD!) have a table of representatives. Create a Form
based on this table; use a Subform based on your activity table, using
the representative ID as the master/child link field.

John W. Vinson[MVP]

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