Combining Multiple Databases - Preventing Duplicate Entries



Hi everyone - first post here. I've been working with Excel now fo
over 6 years, but this is the first time that I've worked with a
address database file.

I have 3 different address databases all with the same header rows, an
I basically want to combine them into one new "master" database. Som
of the address are in more than one of the databases, and I basicall
need this master database to not have any duplicate entries.

One thing that may pose a problem is that in one of the DBs, the zi
codes are in a different format, and I'm worried about this causing an
merging problems.


DB 1 entry -

"Doe" "Jane" "123 Sesame Street" "Beverly Hills" "90210"

DB 2 entry -

"Doe" "Jane" "123 Sesame Street" "Beverly Hills" "90210-4302"

Any help is more than welcome, and thanks in advance

DNF Karran

First thing is going to be deciding a zip format and making both file
the same either using "text to columns" (split a zip) or th
concatenate function (combine fields & text characters) depending whic
way you want to go.

Next task is to combine the files into one list on remove th
duplicates. Various ways of doing this, most common ones are:

sort the data then use an "if" statement to print 0 if current and nex
row match and 1 if they don't. The same effect can be achieved usin
currentrow - next row with numeric data.

Use a "countif" function with logical test containing the current row'
value and drag down. Any duplicates contain a 2.

Could also use vlookups before merging the data.

Other option is to put the data into access and use the replicatio
queries on there.



Your data needs a unique key, before you (or a machine) can decide
whether you have any duplicates. What are you using to key your data
e.g. does (last_name, fore_name) ensure unqiueness?

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