Combining IF, OR, and the AND logical Functions



I am trying to write a formula that looks at column E and determines if it
has in it the words DG F or DG M. If it has either of those words, then I
want the formula to go to Column E and see if there is a 1 or a 0. If a 1,
then go to another worksheet and take the value from there. If a 0, replace
with 9999. Below is sort of what I was thinking but it comes back with an
error on the D8=0. Can anyone help? Thanks, Eden 397

IF(E8="Dg F",or(if(e8="DG M",AND(if(D8=0)=True),1,ReqPO!T7)))

John C

=IF(OR(E8="DG F",E8="DG M"),IF(D8=1,ReqPO!T7,9999),0)

The last ,0 what occurs if E8 is neither DG F or DG M, which you don't give
a response as to how you want that condition handled. Replace as needed.


Well, I think you want to do something like this:

=IF(OR(E8="DG F",E8="DG M"),IF(D8=1,ReqPO!T7,IF(D8=0,9999,"n/a")),"n/

but the "n/a" indicates where you have not fully defined the problem.

Hope this helps.



no problem with the formula except for one part.
"If a 0, replace with 9999"
a formula can not replace values in other cells. but try this.
=IF(AND(OR(E8="DM T",E8="DG T"),D8=0),Sheet2!T7,0)



That works sort of. I guess you're hinting at how I wanted the last
condition handled, and it was with the ReqPO!T7 instead of the ",0". You
helped me out so much, you have no idea. Plus, I learned a bit more about
conditions, so thank you a lot!!!

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