Combine results of two Dataset in memory


Imran Aziz

Hello All,
I have a dataset that I populate using a SQL Server database, and the
second one that I populate using a mySQL Server database, I need to combine
the results in memory and then sort them, how do I go about doing that ?
This is a search query, so I do not want to create another temp table to do
this, any idea's please.



I inherited a project that included a lot of this. Typically we might
create a third dataset
and populate it by iterating through the original two, taking the
values we needed.

We also had a module called DataSetHelper, which was probably found
somewhere on the web -- try googling for it. This provided a lot of
functionality (SelectDistinct,Min,Max).

I can't remember if sorting is available with the native


For in-memory sorting and filtering, you could create a DataView from the
DataTable(s) in the DataSet and then do a DataView.Sort or DataView.RowFilter.

Imran Aziz

Thanks a lot for your response. I am now looking into the idea of creating a
new dataset in memory and merging the results from the other two dataset.

In addition since I am using 2.0 I have come accross a Merge method
for Dataset that allows you to merge datasets but I get an error of
"<target>.nID and <source>.nID have conflicting properties:"

which I assume is based on the Merge taking the ID column as the primary key
hence trying to keep it unique, I will try to investige these possibilities
to sort this issue out. thanks a lot for your help.


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