combine records in a report



i have a database which looks like this
ID Name Comments
1 John needs to improve his comm skill.
2 Adam smart guy.
1 John great person to work with

What i want is that in the report somehow i can combine comments given to
John in to one text box.



needs to improve his comm skill.

John W. Vinson

i have a database which looks like this
ID Name Comments
1 John needs to improve his comm skill.
2 Adam smart guy.
1 John great person to work with

What i want is that in the report somehow i can combine comments given to
John in to one text box.



needs to improve his comm skill.

An alternative - on a Report anyway - would be to use the "Sorting and
Grouping" to group by ID and display the comments. You would put the name
information in the group header, and have a single textbox (with a line
control under it) in the Detail section of the report. This will *look* like
you describe, without the data actually being in one textbox.

It is possible, with some VBA code, to concatenate all the comments into one
field - but for data presentation purposes that may not be the best way to do

John W. Vinson [MVP]

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