
I am pasting 4 lines of text into a text box from a search in YELLOWPAGES.COM

LastName, FirstName
1234 streetname rd
City, state, 00000-0000

I have 3 parse buttons to fill that text into fields on my form. Here is my
I paste it in my notes field then cut the address through the phone and hit
my parse button
then I paste address through end of line and parse2
paste the rest delete city and state and get the zip code and phone on the
line then parse3 (I don't try to use city and state because they are a
different table and they are numbers not text in the fields on the table this
form is based on)

The following parse buttons work independently but I need to COMBINE them
and I don't know how. I do NOT KNOW if the code for the end line is vbCrLf or
?? and I don't know how to find out. So I understand I may have to try
different options but my problem is I don't know how to combine the whole
thing together to even begin.

Can someone help?

Private Sub cmdParse_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdParse_Click

Dim strName As String
Dim strFName As String
Dim strLName As String
Dim intLoc As Integer

If Me.Notes.Text <> "" Then
strName = Me.Notes.Text
intLoc = InStr(1, strName, " ")
strLName = Left(strName, intLoc - 2)
strFName = Right(strName, Len(strName) - intLoc)
Me.FirstName.Text = strFName
Me.LastName.Text = strLName

End If

Me.Notes = "" 'clears the notes field

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdParse_Click

End Sub
' cmdParse2_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdParse2_Click

Dim strAddress As String
Dim strFAddress As String
Dim strLAddress As String
Dim intLoc As Integer

If Me.Notes.Text <> "" Then
strAddress = Me.Notes.Text
intLoc = InStr(1, strAddress, " ")
strLAddress = Left(strAddress, intLoc)
strFAddress = Right(strAddress, Len(strAddress) - intLoc)
Me.streetnumber.Text = strLAddress
Me.StreetName.Text = strFAddress
End If
Me.Notes = ""
' --------------rest of parse2 code omited for post
On Error GoTo Err_cmdParse3_Click

Dim strFInfo As String
Dim strPhoneNumber As String
Dim strRPhoneNumber As String
Dim strzipcode As String
Dim strLzipcode As String
Dim intLoc As Integer

If Me.Notes.Text <> "" Then
strFInfo = Me.Notes.Text
intLoc = InStr(1, strFInfo, " ")
strLzipcode = Left(strFInfo, intLoc)
strRPhoneNumber = Right(strFInfo, Len(strFInfo) - intLoc)
Me.ZipCode.Text = strLzipcode
Me.PhoneNumber.Text = strRPhoneNumber
End If
Me.Notes = ""
--------------rest of parse3 code omited for post

Graham Mandeno

You will need to do some experimenting here to find out what the line
separator is.

First, add this code to the beginning of your cmdParse_Click procedure:

Dim sText as string, sMsg as string, i as integer, sChar as string, iCode as
sText = Me.Notes
For i = 1 to Len(sText)
sChar = Mid(sText, i, 1)
iCode = Asc(sChar)
If iCode < 32 then
sMsg = sMsg & "{" & iCode & "}"
sMsg = sMsg & sChar
End If
MsgBox sMsg
Exit Sub

(Note that you do not need to do a SetFocus to a textbox to reference or
change its value. You just use the default .Value property instead of

Now, paste an address and run the code. You will see a MsgBox with the text
from your textbox and some numbers in curly brackets. These numbers are the
ANSI codes for the hidden characters, such as line separators. If the line
separator is vbCrLf then you will see {13}{10}, or you might see {13} (vbCr)
or {10} (vbLf) by itself.

When you know what the separator is, you can then use the Split function to
separate the single string of text into an array of strings, one per line:

Dim aLines() as String, i as integer
aLines = Split(Me.Notes, vbCrLf) ' assuming this is the separator
For i = 0 to UBound(aLines)
Debug.print i, aLines(i)

Note that the array elements will be numbered starting at 0.

Then you can just parse each line as required.
Good Luck :)

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand


Ok I ran the code and it is {13}{10}{13}{10}
On all lines (nothing on the last phone line at the end)
(Note that you do not need to do a SetFocus to a textbox to reference or
change its value. You just use the default .Value property instead of

I am flying by the seat of my pants here... and I don't know what I should
replace /and insert in my code.
When you know what the separator is, you can then use the Split function to
separate the single string of text into an array of strings, one per line:

Dim aLines() as String, i as integer
aLines = Split(Me.Notes, vbCrLf) ' assuming this is the separator
For i = 0 to UBound(aLines)
Debug.print i, aLines(i)

Note that the array elements will be numbered starting at 0.

Then you can just parse each line as required.

PLeeaassee.. would you mind joining just one of my parse codes to another so
I see how I am suppose to do it?

I don't do this for a living I am just doing it for an application for

Thank you so much. (I hope!)

Graham Mandeno


That is strange... it looks like the line separator is TWO vbCrLfs. Do
blank lines appear in the Notes textbox when you paste the data?

If this really is the case, then the separator for the purposes of the Split
function will be vbCrLf & vbCrLf.

Now, the complexity of the parse code depends on how reliable the format of
the data is. Is it ALWAYS four lines? Is there ALWAYS a comma in the first
line? does the second line ALWAYS start with a number?
PLeeaassee.. would you mind joining just one of my parse codes to another
I see how I am suppose to do it?

Since you asked so nicely.... ;-)

No matter what the answers to these questions, the following code should get
you started:

Private Sub cmdParse_Click()
Dim sText As String, i As Integer, s As String
Dim aLines() As String, sLineSeparator As String
sLineSeparator = vbCrLf & vbCrLf
sText = Me.Notes & ""
aLines = Split(Me.Notes, sLineSeparator)
If UBound(aLines) <> 3 Then
MsgBox "Invalid data - exactly 4 lines expected"
Exit Sub
End If
' Line 1: LastName, FirstName
s = aLines(0)
i = InStr(s, ",")
If i = 0 Then
' no comma - no first name
LastName = s
FirstName = Null
LastName = Trim(Left(s, i - 1))
FirstName = Trim(Mid(s, i + 1))
End If
' Line 2: StreetNumber StreetName
s = aLines(1)
If Val(s) > 0 Then
' might have a street number
i = InStr(s, " ")
If i = 0 Then
' no space - no street number
StreetNumber = Null
StreetName = s
StreetNumber = Trim(Left(s, i - 1))
StreetName = Trim(Mid(s, i + 1))
End If
StreetNumber = Null
StreetName = s
End If
' Line 3: City, State ZipCode
s = aLines(2)
i = InStr(s, ",")
If i = 0 Then
' no comma - put it all in city
City = s
State = Null
ZipCode = Null
City = Trim(Left(s, i - 1))
s = Trim(Mid(s, i + 1))
i = InStr(s, " ")
If i = 0 Then
' no space - assume no zip
State = s
ZipCode = Null
State = Trim(Left(s, i - 1))
ZipCode = Trim(Mid(s, i + 1))
End If
End If
' Line 4: Phone number
PhoneNumber = aLines(3)
End Sub

Good Luck :)

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand


Haven't worked on it yet but just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Graham Mandeno said:

That is strange... it looks like the line separator is TWO vbCrLfs. Do
blank lines appear in the Notes textbox when you paste the data?

If this really is the case, then the separator for the purposes of the Split
function will be vbCrLf & vbCrLf.

Now, the complexity of the parse code depends on how reliable the format of
the data is. Is it ALWAYS four lines? Is there ALWAYS a comma in the first
line? does the second line ALWAYS start with a number?
PLeeaassee.. would you mind joining just one of my parse codes to another
I see how I am suppose to do it?

Since you asked so nicely.... ;-)

No matter what the answers to these questions, the following code should get
you started:

Private Sub cmdParse_Click()
Dim sText As String, i As Integer, s As String
Dim aLines() As String, sLineSeparator As String
sLineSeparator = vbCrLf & vbCrLf
sText = Me.Notes & ""
aLines = Split(Me.Notes, sLineSeparator)
If UBound(aLines) <> 3 Then
MsgBox "Invalid data - exactly 4 lines expected"
Exit Sub
End If
' Line 1: LastName, FirstName
s = aLines(0)
i = InStr(s, ",")
If i = 0 Then
' no comma - no first name
LastName = s
FirstName = Null
LastName = Trim(Left(s, i - 1))
FirstName = Trim(Mid(s, i + 1))
End If
' Line 2: StreetNumber StreetName
s = aLines(1)
If Val(s) > 0 Then
' might have a street number
i = InStr(s, " ")
If i = 0 Then
' no space - no street number
StreetNumber = Null
StreetName = s
StreetNumber = Trim(Left(s, i - 1))
StreetName = Trim(Mid(s, i + 1))
End If
StreetNumber = Null
StreetName = s
End If
' Line 3: City, State ZipCode
s = aLines(2)
i = InStr(s, ",")
If i = 0 Then
' no comma - put it all in city
City = s
State = Null
ZipCode = Null
City = Trim(Left(s, i - 1))
s = Trim(Mid(s, i + 1))
i = InStr(s, " ")
If i = 0 Then
' no space - assume no zip
State = s
ZipCode = Null
State = Trim(Left(s, i - 1))
ZipCode = Trim(Mid(s, i + 1))
End If
End If
' Line 4: Phone number
PhoneNumber = aLines(3)
End Sub

Good Luck :)

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

lmv said:
Ok I ran the code and it is {13}{10}{13}{10}
On all lines (nothing on the last phone line at the end)

I am flying by the seat of my pants here... and I don't know what I should
replace /and insert in my code.

PLeeaassee.. would you mind joining just one of my parse codes to another
I see how I am suppose to do it?

I don't do this for a living I am just doing it for an application for

Thank you so much. (I hope!)

Graham Mandeno

You're welcome. Let us know how you get on.
Good Luck :)

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

lmv said:
Haven't worked on it yet but just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Graham Mandeno said:

That is strange... it looks like the line separator is TWO vbCrLfs. Do
blank lines appear in the Notes textbox when you paste the data?

If this really is the case, then the separator for the purposes of the
function will be vbCrLf & vbCrLf.

Now, the complexity of the parse code depends on how reliable the format
the data is. Is it ALWAYS four lines? Is there ALWAYS a comma in the
line? does the second line ALWAYS start with a number?
PLeeaassee.. would you mind joining just one of my parse codes to
I see how I am suppose to do it?

Since you asked so nicely.... ;-)

No matter what the answers to these questions, the following code should
you started:

Private Sub cmdParse_Click()
Dim sText As String, i As Integer, s As String
Dim aLines() As String, sLineSeparator As String
sLineSeparator = vbCrLf & vbCrLf
sText = Me.Notes & ""
aLines = Split(Me.Notes, sLineSeparator)
If UBound(aLines) <> 3 Then
MsgBox "Invalid data - exactly 4 lines expected"
Exit Sub
End If
' Line 1: LastName, FirstName
s = aLines(0)
i = InStr(s, ",")
If i = 0 Then
' no comma - no first name
LastName = s
FirstName = Null
LastName = Trim(Left(s, i - 1))
FirstName = Trim(Mid(s, i + 1))
End If
' Line 2: StreetNumber StreetName
s = aLines(1)
If Val(s) > 0 Then
' might have a street number
i = InStr(s, " ")
If i = 0 Then
' no space - no street number
StreetNumber = Null
StreetName = s
StreetNumber = Trim(Left(s, i - 1))
StreetName = Trim(Mid(s, i + 1))
End If
StreetNumber = Null
StreetName = s
End If
' Line 3: City, State ZipCode
s = aLines(2)
i = InStr(s, ",")
If i = 0 Then
' no comma - put it all in city
City = s
State = Null
ZipCode = Null
City = Trim(Left(s, i - 1))
s = Trim(Mid(s, i + 1))
i = InStr(s, " ")
If i = 0 Then
' no space - assume no zip
State = s
ZipCode = Null
State = Trim(Left(s, i - 1))
ZipCode = Trim(Mid(s, i + 1))
End If
End If
' Line 4: Phone number
PhoneNumber = aLines(3)
End Sub

Good Luck :)

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

lmv said:
Ok I ran the code and it is {13}{10}{13}{10}
On all lines (nothing on the last phone line at the end)

(Note that you do not need to do a SetFocus to a textbox to reference
change its value. You just use the default .Value property instead of

I am flying by the seat of my pants here... and I don't know what I
replace /and insert in my code.

When you know what the separator is, you can then use the Split
separate the single string of text into an array of strings, one per

Dim aLines() as String, i as integer
aLines = Split(Me.Notes, vbCrLf) ' assuming this is the separator
For i = 0 to UBound(aLines)
Debug.print i, aLines(i)

Note that the array elements will be numbered starting at 0.

Then you can just parse each line as required.

PLeeaassee.. would you mind joining just one of my parse codes to
I see how I am suppose to do it?

I don't do this for a living I am just doing it for an application for

Thank you so much. (I hope!)

I am pasting 4 lines of text into a text box from a search in

LastName, FirstName
1234 streetname rd
City, state, 00000-0000

I have 3 parse buttons to fill that text into fields on my form.
I paste it in my notes field then cut the address through the phone
my parse button
then I paste address through end of line and parse2
paste the rest delete city and state and get the zip code and phone
line then parse3 (I don't try to use city and state because they are
different table and they are numbers not text in the fields on the
form is based on)

The following parse buttons work independently but I need to COMBINE
and I don't know how. I do NOT KNOW if the code for the end line is
?? and I don't know how to find out. So I understand I may have to
different options but my problem is I don't know how to combine the
thing together to even begin.

Can someone help?

Private Sub cmdParse_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdParse_Click

Dim strName As String
Dim strFName As String
Dim strLName As String
Dim intLoc As Integer

If Me.Notes.Text <> "" Then
strName = Me.Notes.Text
intLoc = InStr(1, strName, " ")
strLName = Left(strName, intLoc - 2)
strFName = Right(strName, Len(strName) - intLoc)
Me.FirstName.Text = strFName
Me.LastName.Text = strLName

End If

Me.Notes = "" 'clears the notes field

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdParse_Click

End Sub
' cmdParse2_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdParse2_Click

Dim strAddress As String
Dim strFAddress As String
Dim strLAddress As String
Dim intLoc As Integer

If Me.Notes.Text <> "" Then
strAddress = Me.Notes.Text
intLoc = InStr(1, strAddress, " ")
strLAddress = Left(strAddress, intLoc)
strFAddress = Right(strAddress, Len(strAddress) - intLoc)
Me.streetnumber.Text = strLAddress
Me.StreetName.Text = strFAddress
End If
Me.Notes = ""
' --------------rest of parse2 code omited for post
On Error GoTo Err_cmdParse3_Click

Dim strFInfo As String
Dim strPhoneNumber As String
Dim strRPhoneNumber As String
Dim strzipcode As String
Dim strLzipcode As String
Dim intLoc As Integer

If Me.Notes.Text <> "" Then
strFInfo = Me.Notes.Text
intLoc = InStr(1, strFInfo, " ")
strLzipcode = Left(strFInfo, intLoc)
strRPhoneNumber = Right(strFInfo, Len(strFInfo) - intLoc)
Me.ZipCode.Text = strLzipcode
Me.PhoneNumber.Text = strRPhoneNumber
End If
Me.Notes = ""
--------------rest of parse3 code omited for post


It's done ... it works I figured it out with your "brilliant" help
Thanks again!

Graham Mandeno said:
You're welcome. Let us know how you get on.
Good Luck :)

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

lmv said:
Haven't worked on it yet but just wanted to say THANK YOU SO MUCH!

Graham Mandeno said:

That is strange... it looks like the line separator is TWO vbCrLfs. Do
blank lines appear in the Notes textbox when you paste the data?

If this really is the case, then the separator for the purposes of the
function will be vbCrLf & vbCrLf.

Now, the complexity of the parse code depends on how reliable the format
the data is. Is it ALWAYS four lines? Is there ALWAYS a comma in the
line? does the second line ALWAYS start with a number?

PLeeaassee.. would you mind joining just one of my parse codes to
I see how I am suppose to do it?

Since you asked so nicely.... ;-)

No matter what the answers to these questions, the following code should
you started:

Private Sub cmdParse_Click()
Dim sText As String, i As Integer, s As String
Dim aLines() As String, sLineSeparator As String
sLineSeparator = vbCrLf & vbCrLf
sText = Me.Notes & ""
aLines = Split(Me.Notes, sLineSeparator)
If UBound(aLines) <> 3 Then
MsgBox "Invalid data - exactly 4 lines expected"
Exit Sub
End If
' Line 1: LastName, FirstName
s = aLines(0)
i = InStr(s, ",")
If i = 0 Then
' no comma - no first name
LastName = s
FirstName = Null
LastName = Trim(Left(s, i - 1))
FirstName = Trim(Mid(s, i + 1))
End If
' Line 2: StreetNumber StreetName
s = aLines(1)
If Val(s) > 0 Then
' might have a street number
i = InStr(s, " ")
If i = 0 Then
' no space - no street number
StreetNumber = Null
StreetName = s
StreetNumber = Trim(Left(s, i - 1))
StreetName = Trim(Mid(s, i + 1))
End If
StreetNumber = Null
StreetName = s
End If
' Line 3: City, State ZipCode
s = aLines(2)
i = InStr(s, ",")
If i = 0 Then
' no comma - put it all in city
City = s
State = Null
ZipCode = Null
City = Trim(Left(s, i - 1))
s = Trim(Mid(s, i + 1))
i = InStr(s, " ")
If i = 0 Then
' no space - assume no zip
State = s
ZipCode = Null
State = Trim(Left(s, i - 1))
ZipCode = Trim(Mid(s, i + 1))
End If
End If
' Line 4: Phone number
PhoneNumber = aLines(3)
End Sub

Good Luck :)

Graham Mandeno [Access MVP]
Auckland, New Zealand

Ok I ran the code and it is {13}{10}{13}{10}
On all lines (nothing on the last phone line at the end)

(Note that you do not need to do a SetFocus to a textbox to reference
change its value. You just use the default .Value property instead of

I am flying by the seat of my pants here... and I don't know what I
replace /and insert in my code.

When you know what the separator is, you can then use the Split
separate the single string of text into an array of strings, one per

Dim aLines() as String, i as integer
aLines = Split(Me.Notes, vbCrLf) ' assuming this is the separator
For i = 0 to UBound(aLines)
Debug.print i, aLines(i)

Note that the array elements will be numbered starting at 0.

Then you can just parse each line as required.

PLeeaassee.. would you mind joining just one of my parse codes to
I see how I am suppose to do it?

I don't do this for a living I am just doing it for an application for

Thank you so much. (I hope!)

I am pasting 4 lines of text into a text box from a search in

LastName, FirstName
1234 streetname rd
City, state, 00000-0000

I have 3 parse buttons to fill that text into fields on my form.
I paste it in my notes field then cut the address through the phone
my parse button
then I paste address through end of line and parse2
paste the rest delete city and state and get the zip code and phone
line then parse3 (I don't try to use city and state because they are
different table and they are numbers not text in the fields on the
form is based on)

The following parse buttons work independently but I need to COMBINE
and I don't know how. I do NOT KNOW if the code for the end line is
?? and I don't know how to find out. So I understand I may have to
different options but my problem is I don't know how to combine the
thing together to even begin.

Can someone help?

Private Sub cmdParse_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdParse_Click

Dim strName As String
Dim strFName As String
Dim strLName As String
Dim intLoc As Integer

If Me.Notes.Text <> "" Then
strName = Me.Notes.Text
intLoc = InStr(1, strName, " ")
strLName = Left(strName, intLoc - 2)
strFName = Right(strName, Len(strName) - intLoc)
Me.FirstName.Text = strFName
Me.LastName.Text = strLName

End If

Me.Notes = "" 'clears the notes field

Exit Sub

MsgBox Err.Description
Resume Exit_cmdParse_Click

End Sub
' cmdParse2_Click()
On Error GoTo Err_cmdParse2_Click

Dim strAddress As String
Dim strFAddress As String
Dim strLAddress As String
Dim intLoc As Integer

If Me.Notes.Text <> "" Then
strAddress = Me.Notes.Text
intLoc = InStr(1, strAddress, " ")
strLAddress = Left(strAddress, intLoc)
strFAddress = Right(strAddress, Len(strAddress) - intLoc)
Me.streetnumber.Text = strLAddress
Me.StreetName.Text = strFAddress
End If
Me.Notes = ""
' --------------rest of parse2 code omited for post
On Error GoTo Err_cmdParse3_Click

Dim strFInfo As String
Dim strPhoneNumber As String
Dim strRPhoneNumber As String
Dim strzipcode As String
Dim strLzipcode As String
Dim intLoc As Integer

If Me.Notes.Text <> "" Then
strFInfo = Me.Notes.Text
intLoc = InStr(1, strFInfo, " ")
strLzipcode = Left(strFInfo, intLoc)
strRPhoneNumber = Right(strFInfo, Len(strFInfo) - intLoc)
Me.ZipCode.Text = strLzipcode
Me.PhoneNumber.Text = strRPhoneNumber
End If
Me.Notes = ""
--------------rest of parse3 code omited for post

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