COM failure (Interop PIA)


Alvin Bruney

COM object with CLSID {0002E556-0000-0000-C000-000000000046} is either not
valid or not registered.

This is coming from the webserver. I've downloaded the office PIA's. Used
the register.bat. I'm stump as to what to do next. The structure of the
registry folder is different from what my machine looks like. I have 13 sub
folders under this object, the webserver only has one. This CLSID belongs to
the chartspace object. The only difference i can see between the two
machines is that my own runs studio, the webserver does not. I've
uninstalled and re-isntalled.
no joy.

This is the code failing:
OWC10.ChartSpace objCSpace = new OWC10.ChartSpace();

Simon Trew

Well I am not familiar with the particular component. Do you think it might
be a permissions problem?


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