Column width in DataGrid


Jaime Lucci

Hi, how've you been?

How can I do to set the column width of a datagrid to fix the width of the
text in each column?


Jaime Lucci
(e-mail address removed)

Jim Underwood

This code will not solve your problem entirely, but may put you on the right
track. In my case I had a dozen different data grids and didn't want to
specify the names and widths of every collumn in every one of them so I just
created a function to set all of the collumns to a longer width. It is much
simpler to maintain but doesnt give you as much flexibility.

Public Shared Sub SetTableStyle(ByRef MyDataGrid As DataGrid)

' Public method
' called by all forms using datagrids
' defines consistent table styles in one place

Dim objTableStyle As New DataGridTableStyle
objTableStyle.AlternatingBackColor = System.Drawing.Color.OldLace
'set every other datagrid line to a seperate color to make it easier to read
objTableStyle.PreferredColumnWidth = 150
End Sub

You can also specify individual collumns, identified by the collumn name in
your dataset. This can be done programatically, or through the TableStyles
Collectin in the designer.

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