Column Matching - Bring the entire row.




I have rows of data with Column A being the key identifier in worksheets
SPR1 and SPR2 inside a work book. Reading one of the threads below, I am
using the following formula in SPR3 (3rd worksheet in the same workbook) to
identify a match between SPR2 and SPR1 from Column A in both columns:


Is there any way to bring the entire Row of data in SPR1 and SPR2 (assuming
they are the same) instead of just column A into SPR3?


That did not work.

Please note that Column A is the matching column. I want to bring the rest
of the columns in SPR3 that ties with Column A.

Any other suggestions?

Gord Dibben

You cannot bring an entire row using one formula.

Have you tried changing A:A to $A:$A before copying across?



Thanks for writing back again; I tried changing the formula to read $A:$A and
pasted it across the row in SPR3 -did not work still.

If this can be accomplished using a Macro, I am open to that too -- I just
don't know how.

Any help would be appreciated. Thanks

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