Column Designation Conversion - alpha/numerical


Fred Holmes

Is there a function that will directly "translate" between the letter
designators for Excel columns and the equivalent column numbers?

Cells(n,m) uses a number to designate the column.

I'm looking for a function, f(m), that returns the equivalent letter
designation for display in a TextBox. Also the function that will
take the letter(s) [text] entered into a text box and return the
column number for use in the Cells() formula. e.g. m = g("CB")

I could write the parser, but if there is a built-in function, I'd
rather use it.


Fred Holmes

Bob Phillips


Here is a simple UDF posted previously by Gord Dibben. Just pas sit the
column number

Function GetColLet(ColNumber As Integer) As String
GetColLet = Left(Cells(1, ColNumber).Address(False, False), _
1 - (ColNumber > 26))
End Function

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