Colouring transition



I was pleased with the outcome of this, so thought I
would share it.
I had a still that I wanted to use as part of the intro
to a movie, but it was a bit bland on its own.
So I used a photo editing prog to completely reduce the
colour saturation right down to 0. Effectively, pic
becomes B&W. I made another copy with the saturation
about half-way.
I imported the B&W one into MM2 and put my titles on it.
Then I imported the mid-colour version right behind it on
the timeline, and the full-colour version right behind
that, and then led into the video clips. I put 5
second "dissolve" transitions in between the stills. When
it runs, you get a nice slow gradual conversion of the
image from B&W through to full colour, and then the
moving image kicks in.
On the same theme, by playing with the saturation on a
landscape picture and saving several versions with
dissolves between them you can mimic the changing colours
of the seasons.
And if you're I had nothing better to do...

John Kelly

Hi there CW,

Well Well, do you know I did something similar. I will have to see if I
have still got the clip somewhere....

Last Summer we were at Hampton Court Palace (Henry VIII) on the River
Thames which wanders along side the formal gardens there was a Steam Paddle
Boat working its way down the river. What I did was to take two copies of
the clip, made one Sepia with film ageing and then overlaid them. Its a bit
of a fiddle In MM2 because you have to remove a very small amount from the
end of the Sepia version and the beginning of the colour. The whole clip is
maybe 30 seconds...The effect was most pleasing. If I can find it now I will
put it back on my web site.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly


So great minds think alike etc...yes yes yes I know about
the small ones...
What type of transition does overlaying the clips
produce? A fade, or a dissolve? I suppose the obvious
answer is to try it and see... will do
BTW shame on you for making anything sepia out of last
year's great summer - it deserved nothing less than full

John Kelly

Hi CW,

I tried just all of the transitions and some were interesting but I
ended up using the default fade.

The trick so that you get perfect frame matchup is to zoom all the way
in, mark of the smallest amount possible and delete from the end of the
first clip and exactly the same amount from the beginning of the
second...then you drag the second all the way up as far as you can go
without causing the clips to trade places....

You cant overlay the two clips exactly...the method above gets you as
close as you can get...the other way is off course to have the "Beginning
of fade" part way through the first clip and the second clip start at the
beginning of where you want transition to begin...its a dam nuisance trying
to explain things without a picture!! Pardon the pun

All the best.....John

John Kelly

Hi again,

I have converted that video clip to DVD....I will retrieve it and post
it...its a bit of a laugh if nothing else.

Best Wishes.....John Kelly

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