Colour cells in PowerPoint



Can anyone help - this is driving me mad !!!

I have created a table in PowerPoint (using VBA) and have been able to cycle
through the cells to set the colour of each border but am having problems
with setting the colour of the cell. I am using the code below, and can't see
where I'm going wrong ....

Set tbltable = prePresentation.Slides(1).Shapes(lngCount).Table

tbltable.Cell(1, 1).Shape.Fill.ForeColor.RGB = RGB(222, 211, 182)

For some reason I cannot seem to color the cell. I have tested this on an
Office XP PC and still get the same problem, the cell does not colour.

If anyone can shed some light I would be forever grateful.

Shyam Pillai

Add a line after the current one.

tbltable.Cell(1, 1).Shape.Fill.Visible = True


Thanks Shyam .... it never crossed my mind to use Visible as it is not
required for Word or Excel.

I have to say, you are a PowerPoint Guru and I never would have got as far
as I have without the information you have posted on the internet and the
help you provide through MSDN.

Many thanks again.

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