Colors Changed on Scroll Bar


Jean Larson


My husband has been using Excel for all his financial work for a long
time. While using Excel the scroll bars, both horizontal and vertical,
were easy for him to see as they were always light gray with a dark gray
bar that he moved up and down.

Now, recently, we are not sure how it happened, but his scroll bars are
hard to see because the color has switched. They are like the opposite
of what they were, a dark gray line and a white gray bar that moves up
and down.

He finds this hard to see and would like to get the color back to
normal. Has anyone had any trouble with this that can help us.

Thank you.


Andy B


It sounds like you need to right-click on your desktop and go to Properties.
Go to the Appearance tab and click on Advanced. Here you can click on the
slider bar in the dialog box and set your preferences. I think the colour of
it is controlled by the Window settings.

Jean Larson

Hi Andy,

Thanks a lot for your help. The scroll bar is better when I changed it
to Windows Standard but it still isn't like my other XP computer. We
can live with it now.

Thanks again for your help.


Gord Dibben


What scheme do you have on the other XP computer?

You can probably replicate on your husband's computer.

Gord Dibben Excel MVP

Jean Larson

Hi Gord,

I have the same settings as on my computer, but there still is a
difference in the scroll bar. It is a mystery of why this changed in
the first place. He will just have to live with it.

Thanks for your help.


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