Color selection in chart




I used Powerpoint 97 to create slides with charts. I upgraded my PC to XP
and Powerpoint 2002. When I import a slide from a Powerpoint 97
presentation into Powerpoint 2002, the colors available for the series are
different than for new charts. How can I convert the color selection that
came with old charts to the one available for new charts? Thank you. P.

Echo S

Are you sure the selections are different, or is your color scheme for
that slide different? Charts pick up the last, mmm, 4 colors of the
color scheme, and from there, they do other stuff. (Technical
description, that. <g>)

Actually, I did post something about this within the last 2 months or
so. You might search (advanced search) for
keywords Echo Chart in newsgroup microsoft.public.powerpoint I suspect
that will turn up that thread, which will give you probably more info
than you wanted to know. <g>

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