Color change based on item and inventory value



I've created an inventory database using unique item numbers and would like
to highlight a value when the inventory is low. Conditional formating would
work if all "low-inventory" values had the same parameters but it varies by
item. Is there a way to tie the two together.

Thanks for the help...D

Andi Mayer

I've created an inventory database using unique item numbers and would like
to highlight a value when the inventory is low. Conditional formating would
work if all "low-inventory" values had the same parameters but it varies by
item. Is there a way to tie the two together.

if [inventoryCount] < [low-inventory]
in the Conditional formating

If you expect an answer to a personal mail, add the word "manfred" to the first 10 lines in the message


Thanks for the response but I think I need to do a better job explaining. In
my inventory report I'd like the values of items that are "low inventory" to
be shown in red. "Low inventory" is different for all items (below 10 for
some, 20 for others, etc...). Is there a way I can set the "low inventory"
value to be item specific and stand out in the report when inventory falls
below that value?

Andi Mayer said:
I've created an inventory database using unique item numbers and would like
to highlight a value when the inventory is low. Conditional formating would
work if all "low-inventory" values had the same parameters but it varies by
item. Is there a way to tie the two together.

if [inventoryCount] < [low-inventory]
in the Conditional formating

If you expect an answer to a personal mail, add the word "manfred" to the first 10 lines in the message

Andi Mayer

Thanks for the response but I think I need to do a better job explaining. In
my inventory report I'd like the values of items that are "low inventory" to
be shown in red. "Low inventory" is different for all items (below 10 for
some, 20 for others, etc...). Is there a way I can set the "low inventory"
value to be item specific and stand out in the report when inventory falls
below that value?

where ist "Low Inventory" saved?

I assume in the table and is called [Low-Inventory] and exactly this
one I am using

use a hidden field in the report with the Low-Inventory and use the
conditional formating on the fields which should be red

If you expect an answer to a personal mail, add the word "manfred" to the first 10 lines in the message


Saved "LowInvtAlert" in the items table, ran it through the inventory query
and used it in the report...perfect.
Thanks for the help, D

Andi Mayer said:
Thanks for the response but I think I need to do a better job explaining. In
my inventory report I'd like the values of items that are "low inventory" to
be shown in red. "Low inventory" is different for all items (below 10 for
some, 20 for others, etc...). Is there a way I can set the "low inventory"
value to be item specific and stand out in the report when inventory falls
below that value?

where ist "Low Inventory" saved?

I assume in the table and is called [Low-Inventory] and exactly this
one I am using

use a hidden field in the report with the Low-Inventory and use the
conditional formating on the fields which should be red

If you expect an answer to a personal mail, add the word "manfred" to the first 10 lines in the message

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