Color Cell




Is there a way to color a cell with formula,
example, In cell "A4" I have the letters "FG" so I need a formula in
cell "A5" to look in cell "A4" and see if it = "FG" then color the
cell "Yellow" if not then leave as is.


Rick Rothstein \(MVP - VB\)

You cannot do what you ask using formulas on the worksheet, but you can
using Conditional Formatting. Select all the cells you want to have this
feature and then click Format/ConditionalFormatting on Excel's menu bar. In
the dialog box that appears, select "Cell Value Is" from the first drop down
box, select "equal to" from the second drop down box and type ="FG" (that is
equal sign, quote mark, FG, quote mark) in the last edit field. Now click
the Format button, click on the Patterns tab on the dialog box that appears,
and select a yellow color. Finally, OK your way back to the worksheet. If
you type FG in any of the cells you originally had selected, the cell should
turn yellow in color.



Select A5 go to Conditional Formatting select new rule, select use a formula
and put this in the box for the formula:-
=A4="FG" Then click format fill and select your colour, click
OK, next box click OK, next box click apply. Thats it.
If the condition is true it will colour, if false it won't do anything.

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