collapsible lists in FrontPage

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FontPage novice

How do I create an "expand all" option for collapsible lists in FrontPage?

FrontPage novice

I have Googled my text but cannot seem to find what I am looking for. I
viewed your website and it is exactly what I am looking for except I'm not
sure how you set it up in FrontPage. Is there some sort of link I need to

Trevor Lawrence


The code is entered into the Code view of FrontPage. So you would need to
copy the code from and amend it
to suit your purposes

The <head> section needs the JS
<script type="text/javascript">
function showVisible(i,hide) {
var sign = (hide) ? "plus" : "minus"
document.images["image" + i].src = "images/display/" + sign + ".gif"
document.getElementById("ulist" + i).style.display = (hide!='hide') ?
"block" : "none"
} //------------------------------

function ExpandAll(hide) {
var i = 0
while (document.images["image" + (++i)])
} //------------------------------

function changeVisibility(i) {
var hide = (document.images["image" + i].src.match(/^.+minus\.gif$/)) ?
'hide' : ''
} //------------------------------

In the <body> section you need to copy my structure of the list elements,
i.e. those with the <li> tag. This is a typical one:
<a href="javascript:changeVisibility(6);">
<img src="images/display/plus.gif" alt="" id="image6" width="15"
height="15" /></a>
<a href="index.html">Trevor and Carole's Home Page (index.html)</a>
<ul id="ulist6">
<li><img src="images/display/smfile.gif" alt="" /><a
href="abcnews.html">ABC News</a></li>
<li><img src="images/display/smfile.gif" alt="" /><a
href="bbcnews.html">BBC News</a></li>

In this group, there are two <li> elements which collapse, viz "ABC News"
and "BBC News". These must be enclosed by the tags <ul ></ul>, and the id
numbers must match all the way. That is the "6" must appear in
<a href="javascript:changeVisibility(6);">
<img src="images/display/plus.gif" alt="" id="image6" width="15"
height="15" /></a>
<ul id="ulist6">

You also need the + and - gifs which you can get from and Store these on the
same folders in your web, i.e and

If you need any more help, please post a link to a web page, whether it is
working or not

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