collapse master document



This happens after expanding my master document: When I try to collapse my
master document, word asks if I want to save it and I say yes. Then I get a
message that the first of many subdocs is in use elsewhere. But none of the
subdocs are in use. I have to open each subdoc outside the master, change it
(add a return or something) and save it, go back to the master doc & select
collapse again in order for the message to skip that subdoc and complain
about the next one. With over 30 subdocs, this is getting tedious!


Drjjlovebug said:
This happens after expanding my master document: When I try to
collapse my master document, word asks if I want to save it and I say
yes. Then I get a message that the first of many subdocs is in use
elsewhere. But none of the subdocs are in use. I have to open each
subdoc outside the master, change it (add a return or something) and
save it, go back to the master doc & select collapse again in order
for the message to skip that subdoc and complain about the next one.
With over 30 subdocs, this is getting tedious!

It's much better to use the Master Document only as a reference, and edit
the individual documents themselves. You don't really need the Master
Document if you have good file titles and can tell which ones you need to

I'm sure others will be along shortly to tell you why it's bad to use Master
Documents, and they are going to be correct so you should really heed those
warnings. At some point, your Master Document will, not might, do some
serious damage to your files. So at least keep them well backed up if
nothing else.
Personally, I use Outline and INcludes nowadays for large, multi-chapter
documents. It's a lot more reliable and easier once you get used to it.
Or, if you're a tech writer or professional, move away from Word to an app
made for the purpose.


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