Code too large Extracting Txt Srtings

  • Thread starter Thread starter rebelscum0000
  • Start date Start date


Dear all

I want to extract the following strings from this txt file

"10/10/2007", "Hash","C:\Dups V.1.0\", "NEw 250", "00:00:14"
"9","609", "89", "281", "12,451", "14,875", "0", "0" and "1"

- date: 10/10/2007
- process: Hash
- source: C:\Dups V.1.0\
- source volume label: NEw 250

Basic statistics
- time elapsed: 00:00:14
- overall transfer [kB/s]: 9,609
- folders processed: 89
- files processed: 281
- source bytes read: 131 MB (137,926,042 bytes)
- source average transfer [kB/s]: 12,451
- source clean transfer [kB/s]: 14,875

- errors: 0
- warnings: 0
- other: 1

I repeated several times the same code to extract each one of the
strings and my code is too large I think there is going to be an
easier way to do this, any ideas, suggestions or clues are more than

Thanks in advance
Antonio Macias

This my large too large code

Sub OpenWinBrowse()

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strStartPath As String
Dim MyDlg As New DialogClass
Dim GetFolder As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim MyLenstrPath As String
Dim MyMidPath As String
Dim MyCounter As Integer
Dim SearchChar As String
Dim strFile As String
Dim strBuffer As String
Dim intFile As Integer
Dim MyLen As Integer
Dim MyPos As Integer
Dim MyStart As Integer
Dim MyPos1 As Integer
Dim MidWords As String
Dim MidWords1 As String
Dim TrimString As String

'On Error GoTo ErrorHandling

'strStartPath = "C:\"

With MyDlg
.TypeFile = 0 'All file Types
.TypeFile = 4 'Text Files
.StartPathFromFileStr = "C:\"
.DialogType = "Browse"
End With


GetFolder = MyDlg.ReturnFilePath
strPath = GetFolder
MyLenstrPath = Len(strPath)
MyMidPath = Mid(strPath, 4, MyLenstrPath)

SearchChar1 = "- date:" 'Field Name
SearchChar2 = "- process:" 'Field Name
SearchChar3 = "- source:" 'Field Name
SearchChar4 = "- source volume label:" 'Field Name
SearchChar5 = "- time elapsed:" 'Field Name
SearchChar6 = "- overall transfer [kB/s]:" 'Field Name
SearchChar7 = "- folders processed:" 'Field Name
SearchChar8 = "- files processed:" 'Field Name
SearchChar9 = "- source average transfer [kB/s]:" 'Field Name
SearchChar10 = "- source clean transfer [kB/s]:" 'Field Name
SearchChar11 = "- errors:" 'Field Name
SearchChar12 = "- warnings:" 'Field Name
SearchChar13 = "- other:" 'Field Name

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar1)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar1, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyDate = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar2)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar2, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyProcess = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar3)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar3, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMySource = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar4)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar4, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyVolumeLabel = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar5)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar5, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyTimeElapsed = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar6)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar6, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyOverallTransefer = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar7)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar7, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyFoldersProcesed = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar8)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar8, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyFilesProcesed = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar9)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar9, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMySourceAverage = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar10)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar10, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyCleanTransfer = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar11)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar11, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyErrors = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar12)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar12, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyWarnings = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar11)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar11, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyErrors = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar13)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar13, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyOther = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Comparations_Tbl",

With rs
.AddNew 'Add a new record
!MyDate = TrimStringMyDate
!MyProcess = TrimStringMyProcess
!MySource = TrimStringMySource
!MyVolumeLabel = TrimStringMyVolumeLabel
!MyTimeElapsed = TrimStringMyTimeElapsed
!MyOverallTransefer = TrimStringMyOverallTransefer
!MyFoldersProcesed = TrimStringMyFoldersProcesed
!MyFilesProcesed = TrimStringMyFilesProcesed
!MySourceAverage = TrimStringMySourceAverage
!MyCleanTransfer = TrimStringMyCleanTransfer
!MyErrors = TrimStringMyErrors
!MyWarnings = TrimStringMyWarnings
!MyOther = TrimStringMyOther
'!MyPath = strPath
.Update 'Write the new record to the table
.Bookmark = .LastModified
End With


Exit Sub
MsgBox "In Module022 Error Number: " & Err & " Description " &

End Sub
What is it that you want to do with the information, once you get it? You
can import a comma-delimited file, you know. There's a Wizard for doing so,
and you can build your Table in advance. Unlike the "standard" delimited
file, you have dates, times, and numbers all enclosed in quotation marks, so
you are likely to have to do a little manipulation on the data, but you
don't have to parse the file in order to put it in Fields in the Table.

Larry Linson
Microsoft Access MVP

rebelscum0000 said:
Dear all

I want to extract the following strings from this txt file

"10/10/2007", "Hash","C:\Dups V.1.0\", "NEw 250", "00:00:14"
"9","609", "89", "281", "12,451", "14,875", "0", "0" and "1"

- date: 10/10/2007
- process: Hash
- source: C:\Dups V.1.0\
- source volume label: NEw 250

Basic statistics
- time elapsed: 00:00:14
- overall transfer [kB/s]: 9,609
- folders processed: 89
- files processed: 281
- source bytes read: 131 MB (137,926,042 bytes)
- source average transfer [kB/s]: 12,451
- source clean transfer [kB/s]: 14,875

- errors: 0
- warnings: 0
- other: 1

I repeated several times the same code to extract each one of the
strings and my code is too large I think there is going to be an
easier way to do this, any ideas, suggestions or clues are more than

Thanks in advance
Antonio Macias

This my large too large code

Sub OpenWinBrowse()

Dim db As DAO.Database
Dim rs As DAO.Recordset
Dim strStartPath As String
Dim MyDlg As New DialogClass
Dim GetFolder As String
Dim strPath As String
Dim MyLenstrPath As String
Dim MyMidPath As String
Dim MyCounter As Integer
Dim SearchChar As String
Dim strFile As String
Dim strBuffer As String
Dim intFile As Integer
Dim MyLen As Integer
Dim MyPos As Integer
Dim MyStart As Integer
Dim MyPos1 As Integer
Dim MidWords As String
Dim MidWords1 As String
Dim TrimString As String

'On Error GoTo ErrorHandling

'strStartPath = "C:\"

With MyDlg
.TypeFile = 0 'All file Types
.TypeFile = 4 'Text Files
.StartPathFromFileStr = "C:\"
.DialogType = "Browse"
End With


GetFolder = MyDlg.ReturnFilePath
strPath = GetFolder
MyLenstrPath = Len(strPath)
MyMidPath = Mid(strPath, 4, MyLenstrPath)

SearchChar1 = "- date:" 'Field Name
SearchChar2 = "- process:" 'Field Name
SearchChar3 = "- source:" 'Field Name
SearchChar4 = "- source volume label:" 'Field Name
SearchChar5 = "- time elapsed:" 'Field Name
SearchChar6 = "- overall transfer [kB/s]:" 'Field Name
SearchChar7 = "- folders processed:" 'Field Name
SearchChar8 = "- files processed:" 'Field Name
SearchChar9 = "- source average transfer [kB/s]:" 'Field Name
SearchChar10 = "- source clean transfer [kB/s]:" 'Field Name
SearchChar11 = "- errors:" 'Field Name
SearchChar12 = "- warnings:" 'Field Name
SearchChar13 = "- other:" 'Field Name

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar1)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar1, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyDate = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar2)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar2, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyProcess = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar3)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar3, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMySource = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar4)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar4, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyVolumeLabel = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar5)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar5, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyTimeElapsed = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar6)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar6, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyOverallTransefer = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar7)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar7, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyFoldersProcesed = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar8)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar8, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyFilesProcesed = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar9)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar9, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMySourceAverage = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar10)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar10, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyCleanTransfer = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar11)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar11, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyErrors = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar12)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar12, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyWarnings = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar11)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar11, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyErrors = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
MyCounter = 0

strFile = GetFolder & "\" & MyMidPath & ".txt"
Debug.Print strFile
strBuffer = Space(FileLen(strFile))
intFile = FreeFile()
Open strFile For Binary Access Read As intFile
Get #intFile, , strBuffer
Debug.Print strBuffer
MyLen = Len(SearchChar13)
MyPos = InStr(1, strBuffer, SearchChar13, 1)
MyStart = MyPos + 1 + MyLen

MyPos1 = MyStart + MyCounter
MidWords = Mid(strBuffer, MyPos1, 1)

MyCounter = MyCounter + 1

Loop Until MidWords = Chr(13)
MidWords1 = Mid(strBuffer, MyStart, MyCounter - 1)
TrimStringMyOther = Trim(MidWords1)

'Initialize Variables
Set db = CurrentDb
Set rs = CurrentDb.OpenRecordset("Comparations_Tbl",

With rs
.AddNew 'Add a new record
!MyDate = TrimStringMyDate
!MyProcess = TrimStringMyProcess
!MySource = TrimStringMySource
!MyVolumeLabel = TrimStringMyVolumeLabel
!MyTimeElapsed = TrimStringMyTimeElapsed
!MyOverallTransefer = TrimStringMyOverallTransefer
!MyFoldersProcesed = TrimStringMyFoldersProcesed
!MyFilesProcesed = TrimStringMyFilesProcesed
!MySourceAverage = TrimStringMySourceAverage
!MyCleanTransfer = TrimStringMyCleanTransfer
!MyErrors = TrimStringMyErrors
!MyWarnings = TrimStringMyWarnings
!MyOther = TrimStringMyOther
'!MyPath = strPath
.Update 'Write the new record to the table
.Bookmark = .LastModified
End With


Exit Sub
MsgBox "In Module022 Error Number: " & Err & " Description " &

End Sub