Code for meet cond, copy, pasteSpecial, ValuesOnly



I have had some great help from Bernie Deitrick on starting out with a code
that should let me do the below mentioned activity.
I am trying to learn more about macro and codes and have started a project
given to me by my manager ( I will try to get this done for 2006 ).
I have altered the code somewhat, since I decided to change some of the
sheet a little.
But this is what I need the macro to do once it is assigned to a click -
button "send"

Copy row 488 from column D through column AT
Check the value in A1 (has a number ranging from 1 to 365)
Then Find the value from A1
In rows C493 through C857 ( each row in column C contains a number between
1 and 365)
and PasteSpecial ValuesOnly
in the row matching A1 from column D through column AT
this needs to copy blanks as blanks too.
Then clear contets of A151 through A300

The original gave me a run error 91 and highlighted this part of the code:
Worksheets("INPUT").Range("D488:AT488").Find(myFind, _
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole).Offset(1, 0). _
Resize(41, 1).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues

I am running '97

This is the (altered) code

Sub send2()
Dim myFind As Integer

myFind = Worksheets("INPUT").Range("$A$1").Value
Worksheets("INPUT").Range("$C$493:$C$857").Find(myFind, _
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole).Offset(1, 0). _
Resize(41, 1).Copy
Worksheets("INPUT").Range("D488:AT488").Find(myFind, _
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole).Offset(1, 0). _
Resize(41, 1).PasteSpecial xlPasteValues
End Sub

btw... what does the "Resize(41,1)" mean in this code?
and why does the number -4163 show up when I place my cursor over xlValues
where is xlValues getting this number from?

I appreciate any help and/or explainations.
Thank You all.

Tom Ogilvy

You said you wanted to copy row 488 to one of the rows in 493:857, but your
code is written to copy from one of the rows in 493:857 to row 488. For
your problem statement:

Sub send2()
Dim myFind As Integer
Dim rng as Range
myFind = Worksheets("INPUT").Range("A1").Value
set rng = Worksheets("INPUT").Range( _
"C493:C857").Find(myFind, _
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)

if not rng is nothing then

rng.Offset(0,1).PasteSpecial xlValues

msgbox myFind & " was not found"
end If
End Sub

if you want to copy to 488
Sub send2()
Dim myFind As Integer
Dim rng as Range
myFind = Worksheets("INPUT").Range("$A$1").Value
set rng = Worksheets("INPUT").Range( _
"C493:C857").Find(myFind, _
LookIn:=xlValues, LookAt:=xlWhole)

if not rng is nothing then

Worksheets("INPUT").Range("D488:AT488").PasteSpecial xlValues

msgbox myFind & " was not found"
end If
End Sub

You code is offseting one row instead of one column. It is then resizing 41
rows instead of 43 columns

Range("A1").Resize(1,43) expands the range to 43 columns (and 1 row) as
demo't from the immediate window:

? Range("D1").Resize(1,43).Address

xlValues is a constant - but it represents the value -4163. Again, from the
immediate window:

? xlValues

You could use the -4163 directly, but is it more readable to use xlValues.

Tom Ogilvy


You are my Santa for the season!
Your code did EXACTLY what I needed it to do
Now I can study the code (with the help of your explaination)
and maybe create others step by step.
This project has awakened a spark in me I did not know I had.
Thank you sooooo much.

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