Andy Smith

LOTS of people have been asking about how to get full internet headers
from a message, and I finally got it to work by examining stuff and
links in the program_VBA group -- thanks, everyone!

To use this in VBA, make sure in Tools / References that "Microsoft CDO x.xx
Library" is checked so you get the "MAPI" library. Then just paste
this code in any Outlook VBA module.

Note that after the first call to FullHdrs$, MS, the MAPI session, is
active as *any* code runs, because it is never logged off. So you
might want to put "Public MS As MAPI.Session" outside all procedures
to use it in other code, because as written here only FullHdrs$ can
see it.


Public Function FullHdrs$(MI As MailItem)

Static MS As New MAPI.Session ' Maintain to suppress prompts

Dim CU$ ' Current user
Dim MM As MAPI.Message ' MAPI message, has headers

On Error GoTo MS_LOGON ' Test if session logged on by
CU$ = MS.CurrentUser ' trying to access its user
GoTo MS_LOGGED_ON ' Yes, skip logon

MS_LOGON: ' No, use default profile, this
MS.Logon , , False, False ' session, no dialog for at
Resume MS_LOGGED_ON ' most one security prompt

MS_LOGGED_ON: ' Resume normal error handing
On Error Goto 0
' Use Outlook ID to get MAPI msg
Set MM = MS.GetMessage(MI.EntryID)
' MAPI msg has the full headers

End Function


jasmith4 said:
LOTS of people have been asking about how to get full internet headers
from a message, and I finally got it to work by examining stuff and
links in the program_VBA group -- thanks, everyone!

Why not just click on View-Options when the message is open?

Ken Slovak - [MVP - Outlook]

Note that CDO 1.21 is an optional installation in Outlook 2000 and
later, it has to be installed for the code to work. Also, in secure
versions of Outlook accessing the headers will trigger the security
prompts, as will accessing .CurrentUser, since both can be used to
harvest email addresses for viruses.

A MAPI Session should always be logged off since otherwise the MAPI
spooler wouldn't shut down and Outlook could remain in memory.

Ken Slovak
[MVP - Outlook]
Lead Author, Professional Outlook 2000 Programming, Wrox Press
Lead Author, Beginning VB 6 Application Development, Wrox Press
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