cmd.exe execution problem



I am suddenly unable to access the command window on my
PC. I'm running Windows XP HE.

The error I receive is:
WIndows cannot access the specified device, path, or
file. You may not have the appropriate permissions to
access the item.

Cmd.exe exists in c:\windows\system32, I do not have this
problem at work running Windows XP Pro.

ms user

If you have Kerio Personal Firewall 4.0.6, it could be blocking cmd.exe from
starting up - it has a sandbox mode that allows the user to create rules on
how app starts should be handled. Try disabling the firewall (or any other
sandboxing program, and then start cmd.exe)

ms user

I just hit this same problem. It so happens that I had installed the Kerio
Personal Firewall 4.0.6 a couple of days ago and it has "sandbox" features
where it warns the user when an app is being created, etc. and creates rules
based on this. I had somehow created a rule that disallowed the start of
cmd.exe - not sure how, but somehow it happened. And once I edited this
rule, I have no more issues starting up cmd.exe.

Michael Solomon \(MS-MVP Windows Shell/User\)

Thanks for the information. Actually, that could apply to most of the
firewalls I've seen so I'll add it to my response in the future.

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