Closing workbook open as CSV


S Shipley

I open a CSV file in Excel, Copy two columns of data, paste the data into
another workbook and then I want to cloes the CSV file without getting a
prompt about saving the data to the clipboard.

I am using Application.ActiveWindow.Close (False) to close the file but I'm
still getting the prompt to save the data. Is there another command I should


Dave Peterson

First, I don't go through the Windows collection. I just close the workbook.

Dim CSVWkbk as workbook
'other code here

'open the csv file
Workbooks.Open Filename:="somepath\somename.csv"
set csvwkbk = activeworkbook 'the csv that was just opened

'do lots of work
'and close the workbook
csvwkbk.close savechanges:=false

And I don't get that prompt message. (Maybe you're closing the wrong window???)

If this doesn't help, try:

application.displayalerts = false
Application.ActiveWindow.Close False
application.displayalerts = true

Wouter HM

Hi Sam,

In addition to Dave's first sample:

'open the csv file
Workbooks.Open Filename:="somepath\somename.csv"
set csvwkbk = activeworkbook 'the csv that was just opened

'do lots of work

'mislead the workbook it is saved after changes
csvwkbk.saved = true

'and close the workbook
csvwkbk.close savechanges:=false



Dave Peterson

I don't recall ever having to mislead excel if I closed without saving changes.

But if it helps the original poster, woohoo!!!

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