Close Browser window with VBA



I have the following code that sends a message to a web
page and tehn to a pager. bypassing the outlook object
model gaurd BUT it opens a new web page window. and I
want to close the windows after it is done sending.

Sub sendtopagers()
txtMessage = "Test"
PagerNumber = "2081234567"
fulltest = "PIN=" & PagerNumber & "&MSSG=" & txtMessage
& "&Q1=0"

ThisWorkbook.FollowHyperlink "
bin/wwwpage.exe", , True, , fulltest, msoMethodPost

Any Help would be apprecieated

Brian Elson

Orlando Magalhães Filho

Hi Brianelson,

I don't know if I understood your question, but I think you have to handle
the IE as object with a code like this rough:

' =======Start Code=======
Dim IEObj As Object

Sub Test()
OpenIE ""
Set IEObj = Nothing
End Sub

Public Sub OpenIE(vURL As String)
On Error GoTo ErrorHandler
IEObj.Visible = True
With IEObj
.Visible = True
.Navigate vURL
Do Until Not .Busy
End With
Exit Sub
Set IEObj = Nothing
Set IEObj = CreateObject("InternetExplorer.Application")
Resume Next
End Sub
'======End Code========

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