Clone the list group.

  • Thread starter Hai Ly Hoang \(MT00KSTN\)
  • Start date

Hai Ly Hoang \(MT00KSTN\)

I'm using OE6 to read message from Newsgroups. My Identify is HAI1st (my
store folder is C:\OE6\HAI).

I spent a lot of time (and, of course, money) to download the list of group
that available from a news server (eg.

Now, I have to create a new identify HAI2nd and I also want to read message
from server I changed the store folder of HAI2nd to C:\OE6\HAI
(the store folder of Identify HAI1st).
What did I received ? All the folder of Hai1st now appears in Hai2nd
identify but the news server don't. And I have to spend alot of
time and money again to download the list of group in the news server !

Anyone can tell me the way to carry the list of group in the news server
from Hai1st Identify to Hai2nd Identify (certainly, without download again)


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