Clipboard Pastes Screenshot instead of Text



All of a sudden when I cut and paste into an MS Office application I am
getting the following behavior:
If I cut from one source and then immediately paste to the other program it
works correctly. However, if I copy and then before pasting in the other
program I do an edit, e.g. enter a carriage return it then pastes a
screenshot image of the page where the text was copied from.

What the heck is going on?

Ron Sommer

Try a different keyboard.
Ronald Sommer

: All of a sudden when I cut and paste into an MS Office application I am
: getting the following behavior:
: If I cut from one source and then immediately paste to the other program
: works correctly. However, if I copy and then before pasting in the other
: program I do an edit, e.g. enter a carriage return it then pastes a
: screenshot image of the page where the text was copied from.
: What the heck is going on?

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