Clipart in Marco



i do not understand this responce???

turn on the macro recorder and do

Insert=>Picture, then from file etc.

Position it where you want.

Turn off the macro recorder. Modify the code to do what you want.

To tie it to some condition, what generates the condition - someone editing
a cell, a calculation?

in any event:
See Chip Pearson's page on Events

Tom Ogilvy

Glenn said:
First let me say I appreciate everyone's help. Me being a novice, you guys
are a real help.
I would like to make a macro that would let me insert a pic (clipart) onto a
worksheet. This clipart would insert on a worksheet if certain values are

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Doug Glancy


Excel has a macro recorder. In the Tools menu choose Macros then Record New
Tom was suggesting that you turn on the recorder and then insert the picture
using Excel commands and then turn off the recorder. You can then go into
the Visual Basic Editor and view the macro that was recorded. This is a
great tool for learning how to code. For more info Google "macro recorder
Excel." One link I found was which
looks pretty helpful.

Second, he was asking what would trigger inserting the picture. You said
"if certain values are true." This means that you will have to use events,
such as WorkSheetChange, which occurs when a cell in a worksheet changes
value. Look at the link Tom gave you for more info.



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