ClickOnce bootstrapper fails with empty error window




currently I encounter the following strange behaviour: When I publish a
simple windows forms application with the publish wizard from Visual Studio
and doubleclick on the generated setup.exe, I get an error window with no
message at all.
The publish wizard worked for me before but something must have changed and
I cannot see any more clue to find the error - the EventLog doesn't show
anything suspicious. Can I enable logging for the bootstrapper or do anything
else to debug this issue?
Since it also happens on my colleagues computers, is it possible that
something was broken with the recent updates?
Best regards,



Are you deploying it to a web server or to a folder on a disk?

If you're using ClickOnce, why are you clicking on the setup.exe instead of
just running it when you access the url (assuming deployment to a web

Robin S.



I deploy it to a folder on disk. If I run it from the publish.html page that
is also generated, the same error occurs.
I know now that this problem seems to be specific to my machine, but since
the error is not very useful, I' d be thankful for any hint on what is going
wrong here.

Best regards,


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