CLI/C++ documentation for VC8 (2005)



Hi all,

VC8 CLI/C++ has lots of new syntaxes and changes since previous versions,
and not fully compliant with ECMA-372 standard either. I got lots of
compilation errors. Could anyone point me a document actually detailing VC8
CLI/C++ syntax.

Many thanks


All right. ECMA-372 is possibly still accurate. It's just that certain things
must be defined in header files as implicit inline methods. Anyway, any
recommendation on good reference documentation is still welcomed.


Bruno van Dooren

All right. ECMA-372 is possibly still accurate. It's just that certain
must be defined in header files as implicit inline methods. Anyway, any
recommendation on good reference documentation is still welcomed.

Do a google search for C++/CLI design rationale.
You'll find a PDF design document by Herb Sutter, explaining the different
parts of C++/CLI and why certain things were implemented in a certain way.

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