Clearing the Contents of a range of cells



I am trying to use some kind of offset to clearcontents of a range of cells
I have Names in Column A but they are not listed one other the other. Some
have more rows between them the the others. I need to be able to clear the
contents of the rows based on what is in column A.
Kinda like:
Sub ClearQAScoresPage()
Dim rng As Range
Set myrng = Worksheets("Sheet1").Range("A:A")
For Each c In myrng
If c.Value <> "" Then
Clear the cells.................??????/
End If
End Sub
How do I select the cells based on an offset.


I am a little lost. If the contents of a cell in column A are blank then you
want to clear the contents of the entire row? One other question... Is column
A full of formulas that return either a name or a blank or is column A full
of name values?


Column "A" has names
I need to clear the cells to the right of that name and the cells below it.
Lets say A2 has Joe Person in it, I need to clear B2 through M6, then I need
the macro to go down to the next name and clear the cells to the right of
that name.
the next name may be in A34 and its information that needs to be cleared is
B34 through M35.
And so on.....

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