Clearing Check Boxes & Running a diff Macro when unchecking the ch



Ok, I'm using the Control check boxes. I have 6 of them. On each of the 6 I
have assigned a Macro to do something on the page. I have 2 problems.

1)I want to make so that only one box can be selected (Not sure if there is
a way to do that or have a macro to clear the rest of the check boxes)

2) I want two different actions when the box is unchecked. Right now the
macro runs when I check or uncheck the box. I would like one macro to run
when I check the box and one to run when I uncheck the box. Is there a way to
accomplish this?



I was looking at it and a combo box might be easier, but I have no idea how
it works. How do I get my values in the drop down box? Also, can I have a
macro run for each of the selections in the drop down box? I'm open to new
ideas, whatever is easiest is fine with me.

Thanks Again


in each checkbox you will need code like this.
Private Sub CheckBox1_Click()
If CheckBox1 = True Then
CheckBox2 = False 'all the others = false
CheckBox3 = False
'Call macro1 'call a specific macro for this checkbox
End If
End Sub
I only did 3 check boxes to test but you will need to list all of them as =
each check box needs code that if checked(=true) then uncheck(=false) all
the rest then call the specific macro for that check box.
make sence?

post back if confused.

Dave Peterson

If you think that a combobox would be easier, you may find that Data|Validation
is even easier. It looks kind of the same and behaves kind of the same, but is
lots easier to implement (and lots easier to break!).

Debra Dalgleish has lots of tips:


Can you use an if statement in data validation? For example my list is in a
named range called TS, my data validation is in a2, my lookup value is in A1.
So if A1=TS, then it would pull up the TS List, I have 4 options in A1 this
is just one example?

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