Clear history in 'open file' dialog




How can I clear the 'open file' dialog in win xp?

WindowsXP doesn't have a File->Open option, but this might help ...

Start -> Help and Support -> Search for 'clear'
Download a program like ccleaner and choose the appropriate options



I am not sure if I was explaining good. When I open mpg or avi files in
windows media player or divx player I get the 'open file' dialog. In
file name drop down list I have a complete history of all media files
ever loaded and now I want to clean the list?

Is it possible in windows xp?


Detlev Dreyer

mike said:
I am not sure if I was explaining good. When I open mpg or avi files
in windows media player or divx player I get the 'open file' dialog.
In file name drop down list I have a complete history of all media
files ever loaded and now I want to clean the list?

That depends on the application. In case of the Media Player, you'll
find that option under Tools > Options.
Is it possible in windows xp?

This has nothing to do with Windows XP since applications keep their
own MRU lists.



I am not sure if I was explaining good. When I open mpg or avi files in
windows media player or divx player I get the 'open file' dialog. In
file name drop down list I have a complete history of all media files
ever loaded and now I want to clean the list?

Is it possible in windows xp?

Hehehehe I know a lot of males that are worried about that list of
video clips appearing when someone else uses Windows Media Player.

So much so, that Microsoft released a special little program called
cleanmru.exe specifically for that task - it was just a single file,
no installation required, and you just ran the file every so often and
that's all it did - clean the list of most recently used files out of

And, as luck would have it, I've still got a copy..

You can stop that list from being created by just double clicking in
file names to open them, instead of opening them from within WMP.

There's also some info about a cleanmru.reg file which empties the
registry (where mru details are stored) of WMP mru filenames.
Microsoft website -> search "cleanmru"

Wesley Vogel

Windows Media Player WMP Privacy Recent

WMP | Privacy tab | History | UNCheck: Save file and URL history in the
player | Clear History button | Clear CD/DVD button

Delete CurrentDatabase_59R.wmdb
%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Media

Delete wmpfolders.wmdb
%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Media

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


Wesley Vogel


Windows Media Player WMP Privacy Recent

WMP | Tools | Options | Privacy tab | History | UNCheck: Save file and URL
history in the player | Clear History button | Clear CD/DVD button

Save file and URL history in the Player
[[Specifies whether lists of your most recently played files are displayed
on the File menu and in the Open and Open URL dialog boxes.

If this check box is selected, anyone who uses the Player with your user
account can see the list of the content you have played recently. ]]

Clear History
[[Click to remove stored information from the list on the File menu and from
the lists in the Open and Open URL dialog boxes. ]]

Clear CD/DVD
[[Click to remove all stored media information about CDs and DVDs that you
have played. After downloading media information about CDs and DVDs from the
Internet, the information is stored on your computer so that it is available
to you even when your computer is not connected to the Internet. Note that
the Player must send information about the CD and DVD to to
display the correct album art and other media information.

If you remove the media information for your CDs and DVDs, you will need to
be connected to the Internet when you play them to view album art, track
names, album names, and so on. ]]

Delete CurrentDatabase_59R.wmdb
%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Media

Delete wmpfolders.wmdb
%userprofile%\Local Settings\Application Data\Microsoft\Media

Hope this helps. Let us know.

MS-MVP Windows Shell/User


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