Clear Clipboard in VB



In Windows Excel 2000, I am trying to clear the clipboard using commands in a macro, but have not found a solution. I have tried the following suggestions from other postings, but these have not worked. The ones that I have tried are

1. Application.CutCopyMode = False (Maybe works in the XP version

2. Public Sub ClearClipboard() (Compiler does not like the DataObject definition
Dim MyDataObj As New DataObjec
MyDataObj.SetText "
End Su

3. Public Declare Function OpenClipboard Lib "user32" (
ByVal hwnd AsLong) As Lon
Public Declare Function CloseClipboard Lib "user32" () As Lon
Public Declare Function EmptyClipboard Lib "user32" () As Lon

Sub ClearClipboard(
OpenClipboard (0&
End Su

Put declarations in a General module

4. Clipboard.clear (Compiler does not like this command.

5. Dim doFName As MSForms.DataObject (Compiler does not like the DataObject definition

Set doFName = New DataObjec

doFName.SetText "

doFName.PutInClipboard ' clears clipboar

Does anyone have a verifed solution for Excel 2000 running on a Windows 2000 machine

Chip Pearson


The problem with solution #2 is that you need a reference to the
MSForms type library. In VBA, go to the Tools menu, choose
References, and choose "Microsoft Forms 2.0 Object Library".

Solution #3 works in all version of Excel and Windows. Just call
the ClearClipboard function.

Solution #4 doesn't work in VBA because VBA doesn't have a
Clipboard object like VB6 does.

The problem in solution #5 is the same as in #2: you need a
reference to the MSForms type library.

Chip Pearson
Microsoft MVP - Excel
Pearson Software Consulting, LLC

Steve said:
In Windows Excel 2000, I am trying to clear the clipboard using
commands in a macro, but have not found a solution. I have tried
the following suggestions from other postings, but these have not
worked. The ones that I have tried are:
1. Application.CutCopyMode = False (Maybe works in the XP version)

2. Public Sub ClearClipboard() (Compiler
does not like the DataObject definition)


Not very elegant, but why not just copy a single cell contents. Use
this successfully in the past

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